MERCY TO GOD’S FAMILY : The Messenger of God, Prophet Mohammed, pbuh, said: ‘All creatures are God’s family; and God loves them most who treat His family well and kindly.’(Baihaqi: Anas) The Messenger of God, pbuh, said: ‘Only those who are merciful will be shown Mercy by the Most Merciful. Show mercy to those who are on earth, He who is in heaven will show mercy to you.’ (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi; Abdullah ibn ‘Amr)
Monday, December 12, 2011
THE NEW COLLEGE, CHENNAI : Two-day International Conference on
“CHALLENGES BEFORE YOUTH IN THE CONTEMP0RARY WORLD” held on 10th and 11th of December 2011 at the New College, Chennai.
It is a matter of satisfaction that a two-day (December 10-11, 2011) International Conference on “Challenges Before Youth in Contemporary World’ is concluded on in Chennai. The conference was organized by the Institute of Objective Studies (IOS), New Delhi in collaboration with the New College – Autonomous, Chennai. It has been able to muster support and participation of all sections of society in general, but youth and women in particular. The Chennai Chapter of the IOS is appreciated for its efforts in organising the conference at such a scale and the New College, Chennai for extending its full support to make the event successful.
The conference adopted the following resolutions in its concluding session.
1. It is resolved that serious efforts be taken to set up a specialized ‘IOS Global Council for Youth Development’ in Chennai.
2. It is resolved that Chennai Chapter shall draw a plan to approach regional institutions and policy planners to muster support for augmenting interaction with marginalised groups to study their issues and problems within their specific context. Collaboration with other societies to carry out these activities should be a priority.
3. It is resolved that Chennai Chapter should also establish viable linkages with other regional chapters of IOS and try to create coordination with each other.
4. It was resolved that effort should be made to involve the political, social and cultural segments of Tamil Nadu for creating awareness about the plight of Muslim youth and other marginalised sections of society.
5. It is resolved to request the government to make quality education at higher levels affordable to weaker and marginalised sections of societies as it has become expensive and beyond their reach.
6. It is resolved that special efforts be made to initiate programmes of soft and life skills development among youth at all desirable levels. A close contact with state government in these areas will be aimed at.
7. It is resolved that efforts be made to include ethical and moral value systems in the school and college curricula.
8. It is resolved to request the Tamil Nadu government to protect and promote all minority languages in the state.
9. It is resolved that IOS sets up a separate fund to support Muslim youth who appears for IAS, IPS and other central and state services.
10. It is resolved to make a survey of the Muslim youth and their family members who had undergone physical and mental agony during their incarceration in prisons for several years. Efforts should be made to take suitable measures for their rehabilitation.
11. This conference appeals to the Muslim community to pay maximum attention in bringing up and character building of their children in Islamic perspective and also guide them in the selection of their career.
THE NEW COLLEGE, CHENNAI : Two-day International Conference on
“CHALLENGES BEFORE YOUTH IN THE CONTEMP0RARY WORLD” held on 10th and 11th of December 2011 at the New College, Chennai.
It is a matter of satisfaction that a two-day (December 10-11, 2011) International Conference on “Challenges Before Youth in Contemporary World’ is concluded on in Chennai. The conference was organized by the Institute of Objective Studies (IOS), New Delhi in collaboration with the New College – Autonomous, Chennai. It has been able to muster support and participation of all sections of society in general, but youth and women in particular. The Chennai Chapter of the IOS is appreciated for its efforts in organising the conference at such a scale and the New College, Chennai for extending its full support to make the event successful.
The conference adopted the following resolutions in its concluding session.
1. It is resolved that serious efforts be taken to set up a specialized ‘IOS Global Council for Youth Development’ in Chennai.
2. It is resolved that Chennai Chapter shall draw a plan to approach regional institutions and policy planners to muster support for augmenting interaction with marginalised groups to study their issues and problems within their specific context. Collaboration with other societies to carry out these activities should be a priority.
3. It is resolved that Chennai Chapter should also establish viable linkages with other regional chapters of IOS and try to create coordination with each other.
4. It was resolved that effort should be made to involve the political, social and cultural segments of Tamil Nadu for creating awareness about the plight of Muslim youth and other marginalised sections of society.
5. It is resolved to request the government to make quality education at higher levels affordable to weaker and marginalised sections of societies as it has become expensive and beyond their reach.
6. It is resolved that special efforts be made to initiate programmes of soft and life skills development among youth at all desirable levels. A close contact with state government in these areas will be aimed at.
7. It is resolved that efforts be made to include ethical and moral value systems in the school and college curricula.
8. It is resolved to request the Tamil Nadu government to protect and promote all minority languages in the state.
9. It is resolved that IOS sets up a separate fund to support Muslim youth who appears for IAS, IPS and other central and state services.
10. It is resolved to make a survey of the Muslim youth and their family members who had undergone physical and mental agony during their incarceration in prisons for several years. Efforts should be made to take suitable measures for their rehabilitation.
11. This conference appeals to the Muslim community to pay maximum attention in bringing up and character building of their children in Islamic perspective and also guide them in the selection of their career.
Friday, December 9, 2011
By V.M. Khaleelur Rahman
The subject “Challenges Before Youth in Contemporary World” given by the Institute of Objective Studies (IOS) for the two day international Seminar on 10th and 11th December 2011 in Chennai is an important one.
As the IOS’s Concept Note says, about 1/5th of the total world population are youth and our country India has about 243 million youth in the age group of 15-19 and it will cross over 300 million if the upper age limit is extended to 24 years. We can imagine the strength of the Muslim youth in the country although their exact figure is not available to us. Muslims are the second largest community in India estimated to be about 15% and so the Muslim youth will be around 45 million here. Our role in every field of national activity is vital for unity, development and prosperity of the country and we have been doing that in our own way despite many hurdles and discriminations.
The 2002 Gujarat riots and some other inhuman atrocities perpetrated on the minorities are of course a big blot on our country’s beautiful secular image. The judicial verdicts, which have been pronounced recently in the Gujarat cases, though delayed, have exposed the culprits to the nation and the world. The governments at the Centre and in the States should pay heed to them and take strong remedial measures to keep communal forces at check, severely punish the guilty and compensate or rehabilitate the victims of the riots and cleanse the politics of the country from anti national and criminal elements.
The world particularly our country has been discussing issues like drug abuse, violence, linguistic chauvinism, religious extremism etc. which are faced by the youth. Besides these, there is also degradation in moral values of the people in general and the youth in particular. It has become difficult for the youth to be safe from harmful entertainments before them – ugly and obscene dance, uncultured and brute music, free flow of alcohol etc. Almost every house has a TV either bought or given by the government as a free gift for voting it to power in states like Tamil Nadu. One feels that it is mostly misused and good educational and national programmes are seen only by a few interested people. The paper reports say that students are the worst sufferers in the TV mania to which people are addicted.
In this scenario the community has the responsibility to save the youth from going astray. Parents, teachers, social activists and the society as a whole has to be alert and train the children properly in accordance with Islamic thoughts and values.
The old adage that a man is known by the company he keeps is right. The youth will suffer if they are not in good company. There is a saying of Prophet Mohammed (sal-am) that “Arrajulu ala deeni khaleelihee falyenzur ahadukum man yukhalilu” – It means that a man follows his friend and so each of you should be careful who you befriend.
The youth are the backbone of a nation and it is they who have to shape its destiny. Prophet Mohammed (sal-am) has said that he was supported by the young and poor and rejected by the old and rich. It is also a fact that most of the revolutionaries were youngsters and forces of change for better.
An ideal person gives importance to spirituality, moral values such as righteousness, honesty, humility and endeavours to practise them in life. The holy Quran says:
53:39 That man can have nothing but what he strives for:
Wa an laysa lil insane illa ma saAAa
The Muslim youth are not in any jungle. They are in the glare of the fast changing world. A majority of Muslims are poor. They have to depend on others for survival. The main reason for erosion of traditional systems and institutions is due to lack of joint efforts by ulema and intellectuals to find solutions by ijtihad to the problems faced by them. The community and the nation can be safe only if they are on the right track discharging their responsibilities well.
The Muslim youth as others are confronted with the deafening noise of individualism, materialism, atheism, selfishness, disregard for family bonds etc. They are in a fix. They need best possible counseling. Muslim organizations have to give right guidance to them in the light of the holy Quran and Hadees for their and the country’s bright future.
We are in a secular, plural and democratic country. The globalization has many plus points. Muslims have also started learning the importance of better modern education and are sending their boys and girls to science and arts, engineering and medical colleges for studies and quite a large number of Muslim youth are working in BPOs, Call Centres and IT companies where merit counts and there is no room for corruption, nepotism or communalism and it should be appreciated by us. Mostly young boys and girls belonging to different faiths work together in these companies and so problems crop up sometimes. We see some people going astray. It has therefore become a must for the Muslim community to create an Islamic atmosphere more than ever before in their families, mohallas and institutions so that their identity as a disciplined Islamic community remains intact.
The Muslim community is passing through a difficult period facing many problems such as dowry demands, lavish marriage expenses, increase in divorce incidents etc. If ulema and umara in the jamaats enact necessary norms for marriage and other functions and try to follow and implement them, things can change for better. They are the powerful people in the society and hence they are expected to practise Islamic austerity, simplicity and dignity before giving sermons.
As far as Muslim youth are concerned, they are mostly confused and in a dilemma in the present world over some other issues also like taking bank loans, doing bank service, getting higher education, birth control, participation in functions like Deepavalli and birth day celebrations, maslaki controversies, controversial fatwas etc. Apart from these, ugly display of wealth by the rich without any concern for the poor living in pathetic conditions in slums also shock them. Undoubtedly the rich and the poor do not see eye to eye with each other as the bond of Islamic fraternity which kept them together without any big differences seems to be on the wane now. They seem to have become two different castes. I remember having read a report somewhere that one of the causes for the severe infightings witnessed in Pakistan is due to the widening gap between the rich and the poor.
The tragedy of the community is that while Islamic scholars are hesitant in taking suitable actions on some issues like triple talaq which according to all schools of thought is an undesirable and condemnable act, some so called liberal Muslims, brought up in an un-Islamic atmosphere but interested in Islam, are almost waging a war for changes in the Shariat laws as per their understandings without any regard for the respected scholars who enjoy the confidence of the people and are considered the pillars of the society. It is not that the demand for changes on certain issues is altogether wrong in the present changed times. But the way they present their arguments is somewhat worrisome. It must be clear to us that nobody will be able to do anything without the support of Islamic scholars. Moreover the demands should also be in accordance with the holy Quran and Hadees. There is need for us to see what the Shariat says and why and not to change it as per our whims and fancies. The print and visual media are bent upon tarnishing the image of the Muslim community and Islam today. Hence both ulema and moderate Muslims should be cautious in echoing the affairs of the community to the press.
Even Dr. Allama Mohammed Iqbal had said that the claim of Muslim liberals to re-interpret the legal principles in the light of their own experience and the altered conditions of modern life is perfectly justified. He regretted for not recognizing the modernity of the Quran.
Hence the need of the hour is to bring these two sections of the Muslim community together for finding solutions to the problems in the light of the holy Quran and Hadees.
Islamic institutions like Darul Uloom, Deoband and Nadwathul Ulema, Lucknow can come forward to join hands with different Muslim organizations and institutions and find solutions to the social, cultural and religious problems confronting the community and work for its onward march in the national affairs.
Let us have some community consciousness. Allama Iqbal says: “Mubtalaye dard koi azu ho roti hai aakh, Kis qadar hamdard sare jism ki hoti hai aakh” – As our eye weeps and shows sympathy when any part of our body is in pain, we should feel the pain of the suffering people and go to their rescue. It is what Islam teaches and wants us to do. There is a hadees of Prophet Mohammed (sal-am) that “ Laa yoominu ahadukum haththa yuhibbu leeakheehi maa yuhibbu linaffsihi” – Nobody from you will be a complete Muslim until he is in a position to like for his brother what he likes for himself.
By V.M. Khaleelur Rahman
The subject “Challenges Before Youth in Contemporary World” given by the Institute of Objective Studies (IOS) for the two day international Seminar on 10th and 11th December 2011 in Chennai is an important one.
As the IOS’s Concept Note says, about 1/5th of the total world population are youth and our country India has about 243 million youth in the age group of 15-19 and it will cross over 300 million if the upper age limit is extended to 24 years. We can imagine the strength of the Muslim youth in the country although their exact figure is not available to us. Muslims are the second largest community in India estimated to be about 15% and so the Muslim youth will be around 45 million here. Our role in every field of national activity is vital for unity, development and prosperity of the country and we have been doing that in our own way despite many hurdles and discriminations.
The 2002 Gujarat riots and some other inhuman atrocities perpetrated on the minorities are of course a big blot on our country’s beautiful secular image. The judicial verdicts, which have been pronounced recently in the Gujarat cases, though delayed, have exposed the culprits to the nation and the world. The governments at the Centre and in the States should pay heed to them and take strong remedial measures to keep communal forces at check, severely punish the guilty and compensate or rehabilitate the victims of the riots and cleanse the politics of the country from anti national and criminal elements.
The world particularly our country has been discussing issues like drug abuse, violence, linguistic chauvinism, religious extremism etc. which are faced by the youth. Besides these, there is also degradation in moral values of the people in general and the youth in particular. It has become difficult for the youth to be safe from harmful entertainments before them – ugly and obscene dance, uncultured and brute music, free flow of alcohol etc. Almost every house has a TV either bought or given by the government as a free gift for voting it to power in states like Tamil Nadu. One feels that it is mostly misused and good educational and national programmes are seen only by a few interested people. The paper reports say that students are the worst sufferers in the TV mania to which people are addicted.
In this scenario the community has the responsibility to save the youth from going astray. Parents, teachers, social activists and the society as a whole has to be alert and train the children properly in accordance with Islamic thoughts and values.
The old adage that a man is known by the company he keeps is right. The youth will suffer if they are not in good company. There is a saying of Prophet Mohammed (sal-am) that “Arrajulu ala deeni khaleelihee falyenzur ahadukum man yukhalilu” – It means that a man follows his friend and so each of you should be careful who you befriend.
The youth are the backbone of a nation and it is they who have to shape its destiny. Prophet Mohammed (sal-am) has said that he was supported by the young and poor and rejected by the old and rich. It is also a fact that most of the revolutionaries were youngsters and forces of change for better.
An ideal person gives importance to spirituality, moral values such as righteousness, honesty, humility and endeavours to practise them in life. The holy Quran says:
53:39 That man can have nothing but what he strives for:
Wa an laysa lil insane illa ma saAAa
The Muslim youth are not in any jungle. They are in the glare of the fast changing world. A majority of Muslims are poor. They have to depend on others for survival. The main reason for erosion of traditional systems and institutions is due to lack of joint efforts by ulema and intellectuals to find solutions by ijtihad to the problems faced by them. The community and the nation can be safe only if they are on the right track discharging their responsibilities well.
The Muslim youth as others are confronted with the deafening noise of individualism, materialism, atheism, selfishness, disregard for family bonds etc. They are in a fix. They need best possible counseling. Muslim organizations have to give right guidance to them in the light of the holy Quran and Hadees for their and the country’s bright future.
We are in a secular, plural and democratic country. The globalization has many plus points. Muslims have also started learning the importance of better modern education and are sending their boys and girls to science and arts, engineering and medical colleges for studies and quite a large number of Muslim youth are working in BPOs, Call Centres and IT companies where merit counts and there is no room for corruption, nepotism or communalism and it should be appreciated by us. Mostly young boys and girls belonging to different faiths work together in these companies and so problems crop up sometimes. We see some people going astray. It has therefore become a must for the Muslim community to create an Islamic atmosphere more than ever before in their families, mohallas and institutions so that their identity as a disciplined Islamic community remains intact.
The Muslim community is passing through a difficult period facing many problems such as dowry demands, lavish marriage expenses, increase in divorce incidents etc. If ulema and umara in the jamaats enact necessary norms for marriage and other functions and try to follow and implement them, things can change for better. They are the powerful people in the society and hence they are expected to practise Islamic austerity, simplicity and dignity before giving sermons.
As far as Muslim youth are concerned, they are mostly confused and in a dilemma in the present world over some other issues also like taking bank loans, doing bank service, getting higher education, birth control, participation in functions like Deepavalli and birth day celebrations, maslaki controversies, controversial fatwas etc. Apart from these, ugly display of wealth by the rich without any concern for the poor living in pathetic conditions in slums also shock them. Undoubtedly the rich and the poor do not see eye to eye with each other as the bond of Islamic fraternity which kept them together without any big differences seems to be on the wane now. They seem to have become two different castes. I remember having read a report somewhere that one of the causes for the severe infightings witnessed in Pakistan is due to the widening gap between the rich and the poor.
The tragedy of the community is that while Islamic scholars are hesitant in taking suitable actions on some issues like triple talaq which according to all schools of thought is an undesirable and condemnable act, some so called liberal Muslims, brought up in an un-Islamic atmosphere but interested in Islam, are almost waging a war for changes in the Shariat laws as per their understandings without any regard for the respected scholars who enjoy the confidence of the people and are considered the pillars of the society. It is not that the demand for changes on certain issues is altogether wrong in the present changed times. But the way they present their arguments is somewhat worrisome. It must be clear to us that nobody will be able to do anything without the support of Islamic scholars. Moreover the demands should also be in accordance with the holy Quran and Hadees. There is need for us to see what the Shariat says and why and not to change it as per our whims and fancies. The print and visual media are bent upon tarnishing the image of the Muslim community and Islam today. Hence both ulema and moderate Muslims should be cautious in echoing the affairs of the community to the press.
Even Dr. Allama Mohammed Iqbal had said that the claim of Muslim liberals to re-interpret the legal principles in the light of their own experience and the altered conditions of modern life is perfectly justified. He regretted for not recognizing the modernity of the Quran.
Hence the need of the hour is to bring these two sections of the Muslim community together for finding solutions to the problems in the light of the holy Quran and Hadees.
Islamic institutions like Darul Uloom, Deoband and Nadwathul Ulema, Lucknow can come forward to join hands with different Muslim organizations and institutions and find solutions to the social, cultural and religious problems confronting the community and work for its onward march in the national affairs.
Let us have some community consciousness. Allama Iqbal says: “Mubtalaye dard koi azu ho roti hai aakh, Kis qadar hamdard sare jism ki hoti hai aakh” – As our eye weeps and shows sympathy when any part of our body is in pain, we should feel the pain of the suffering people and go to their rescue. It is what Islam teaches and wants us to do. There is a hadees of Prophet Mohammed (sal-am) that “ Laa yoominu ahadukum haththa yuhibbu leeakheehi maa yuhibbu linaffsihi” – Nobody from you will be a complete Muslim until he is in a position to like for his brother what he likes for himself.
Institute of Objective Studies (IOS) Silver Jubilee Celebrations
A two day seminar on "Challenges before youth in contemporary world" is to be held on Saturday and Sunday, 10th and 11th December 2011 at the New College, Chennai.
Dr. Mohamed Manzoor Alam, Chairman, IOS and other national and international dignitaries, educationists and social activists participate.
We wish the seminar all the best.
V.M. Khaleelur Rahman
Dr. Mohamed Manzoor Alam, Chairman, IOS and other national and international dignitaries, educationists and social activists participate.
We wish the seminar all the best.
V.M. Khaleelur Rahman
V.M. Khaleelur Rahman
Arrivals of tanned goat skins continue to be limited in the Chennai leather market and exporters are finding it difficult to cover their requirements. As prices of raw skins are ruling high everywhere in the country, many small tanners have either curtailed or stopped their productions. There is also a financial crunch in the market and payments are delayed very much.
It is learnt that tanned goat skins Run selection is sold at around Rs.60, All Suede at around Rs.55 and Suede selection lot (up to Heel grip) at around Rs. 48 per sq. ft. Many exporters of leather and leather products are very much interested in these higher selections but prices vary depending on quality, selection and the need of the buyer. There is also a continued demand for Lining selections A/B/C at around Rs. 41/40/39 per sq. ft. Local Rejections are sold at around Rs. 32 per sq. ft.
Wet blue cow hides Run is sold at around Rs.85 and middle selections combined at around Rs.55 per sq. ft. and some reputed tanners fetch even higher prices in centres like Erode. Vaniyambadi tanners are supplying items like Sheep Nappa, Suede and Linings to exporters of leather products at different almost unchanged prices.
While some big tanners and exporters are having good orders for various items of finished leathers, small exporters say that “at present new business is difficult as prices are not coming”. Overseas customers do not seem to be as enthusiastic as before for business now. They want reduction in prices for continuity of business.
Recent offers of exporters are at around the following prices:
Material Size/sq. ft. Substance Selection Price US$ per sq. ft. C&F
Goat upper leather 3/5 or 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC 2.50
Goat milled leather 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm E 2.00
Goat suede leather 3/5 or 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC/D/E 2.30/1.80/1.60
Goat lining leather
4/7 0.5/0.7 mm TR-1/2/3 1.60/1.50/1.40
6/9 0.6/0.8 mm TR-1/2/3 1.65/1.55/1.45
Goat lining leather lot 3/9 0.5 up mm Stock lot 1.10
Material Size/sq.ft. Substance Selection Price US$ per sq.ft. C&F
Sheep Suede/Cabretta leather 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC/D/E 2.50/2.00/1.50
Sheep Suede/cabretta leather 6/9 0.8/1.00 mm ABC/D/E 2.75/2.25/1.75
Sheep lining leather 3/5 or 4/7 0.5/0.7 mm TR-1/2/3 combined 1.60
There is no report of any big business in the market and it seems that only some patchy business have taken place. There are also delays in shipment due to limited availability of raw skins. Imports of raw skins from some Arab countries like Egypt are also meagre due to internal problems in those countries. Even imports from countries like Switzerland have been affected due to unworkable prices quoted by exporters in Dollar and Euro and their higher exchange rates in Rupees. There are indications from some sources that the stiff competition existing in the market will ease as foreign customers are slow in their activities.
An exporter told me that Chinese and Pakistani exporters are posing a great threat to Indian exporters by offering their products at comparatively lower prices as higher exchange rates and incentives are available to them.
V.M. Khaleelur Rahman
Arrivals of tanned goat skins continue to be limited in the Chennai leather market and exporters are finding it difficult to cover their requirements. As prices of raw skins are ruling high everywhere in the country, many small tanners have either curtailed or stopped their productions. There is also a financial crunch in the market and payments are delayed very much.
It is learnt that tanned goat skins Run selection is sold at around Rs.60, All Suede at around Rs.55 and Suede selection lot (up to Heel grip) at around Rs. 48 per sq. ft. Many exporters of leather and leather products are very much interested in these higher selections but prices vary depending on quality, selection and the need of the buyer. There is also a continued demand for Lining selections A/B/C at around Rs. 41/40/39 per sq. ft. Local Rejections are sold at around Rs. 32 per sq. ft.
Wet blue cow hides Run is sold at around Rs.85 and middle selections combined at around Rs.55 per sq. ft. and some reputed tanners fetch even higher prices in centres like Erode. Vaniyambadi tanners are supplying items like Sheep Nappa, Suede and Linings to exporters of leather products at different almost unchanged prices.
While some big tanners and exporters are having good orders for various items of finished leathers, small exporters say that “at present new business is difficult as prices are not coming”. Overseas customers do not seem to be as enthusiastic as before for business now. They want reduction in prices for continuity of business.
Recent offers of exporters are at around the following prices:
Material Size/sq. ft. Substance Selection Price US$ per sq. ft. C&F
Goat upper leather 3/5 or 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC 2.50
Goat milled leather 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm E 2.00
Goat suede leather 3/5 or 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC/D/E 2.30/1.80/1.60
Goat lining leather
4/7 0.5/0.7 mm TR-1/2/3 1.60/1.50/1.40
6/9 0.6/0.8 mm TR-1/2/3 1.65/1.55/1.45
Goat lining leather lot 3/9 0.5 up mm Stock lot 1.10
Material Size/sq.ft. Substance Selection Price US$ per sq.ft. C&F
Sheep Suede/Cabretta leather 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC/D/E 2.50/2.00/1.50
Sheep Suede/cabretta leather 6/9 0.8/1.00 mm ABC/D/E 2.75/2.25/1.75
Sheep lining leather 3/5 or 4/7 0.5/0.7 mm TR-1/2/3 combined 1.60
There is no report of any big business in the market and it seems that only some patchy business have taken place. There are also delays in shipment due to limited availability of raw skins. Imports of raw skins from some Arab countries like Egypt are also meagre due to internal problems in those countries. Even imports from countries like Switzerland have been affected due to unworkable prices quoted by exporters in Dollar and Euro and their higher exchange rates in Rupees. There are indications from some sources that the stiff competition existing in the market will ease as foreign customers are slow in their activities.
An exporter told me that Chinese and Pakistani exporters are posing a great threat to Indian exporters by offering their products at comparatively lower prices as higher exchange rates and incentives are available to them.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
The Haj Committee of India provides free coaching & guidance for young MUSLIM Graduates. This year we are working in close coordination with a welknown professional coaching class of Pune. Hope it will enhance our results. Though we have representative candidates from Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra, and U.P. But there are still quite a few vacant seats. We are therefore holding an Entrance Test and Personal Interview on Monday 19 December 2011. Muslim Graduates from any faculty may apply. Details are given on our website:
Haj Committee of India Haj House, 7-A, M.R.A. Marg, Mumbai-400001. Phone No:-022-22612969 Fax No:-022-22620920 IAS COACHING FOR MUSLIMS For Muslim Graduates free coaching for Civil Services examination (Preliminary and Main ) is Provided at Haj House, Mumbai Additional Entrance Test & Interview on Monday, 19 December Mumbai |
Saturday, November 12, 2011
V.M. Khaleelur Rahman
There is good demand for all items of hides and skins in Chennai leather market as in all other centres in the country and even abroad. Exporters of leather and leather products such as leather shoes, garments and goods are concentrating very much in procuring raw hides and skins as their availability both at home and abroad are limited. Almost all tanneries and shoe factories in Tamil Nadu particularly in places like Chennai, Ambur, Vaniyambadi, Ranipet and Mel Visharam are functioning well as they are able to get orders from different importing countries like Italy, U.K., Germany, U.S.A. etc. But the fact remains that most of them are not getting the workable prices at the present time when prices of not only raw hides and skins but also chemicals and other items have gone up considerably and even labour charges are on the increase. Many exporters have no option except to have regular business with their customers even at unworkable levels due to the pressure of their banks for regular export documents for negotiation.
It is learnt that some exporters have sold their S/C and F/C 3/5 and 4/6 sq. ft. goat upper and lining leathers at around US $2.00 and 1.50 per sq. ft. C&F. Hong Kong and Singapore customers mostly show interest for these leathers and regular business is taking place. However there is no report of any big business. The shortage of raw hides and skins is the main cause for this. Even big exporters are not interested in selling bulk quantities as they do not know what is in store for them as far as supplies of raw hides and skins are concerned. Many small tanners and exporters have either stopped or curtailed their production due to the present difficult situation.
The offers made by some tanners recently in higher grades of upper leathers were at around US$2.50 per sq. ft. C&F. Some overseas customers buy this item regularly from some top class tanners and exporters. It is also learnt that some shoe factories offered a particular type of their shoes at around Euro 18 to 20.
Recent offers of exporters have been at around the following prices:
Material Size/sq.ft. Substance Selection Price US$ per sq. ft. C&F
Goat upper leather 3/5 0.6/0.8 mm ABC 2.50
Goat suede leather 3/5 and 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC/D/E 2.10/1.80/1.60
Goat lining leather 4/7 0.5/0.7 mm TR-1/2/3 1.60/1.50/1.40
Material Size/sq.ft. Substance Selection Price US$ per sq.ft. C&F
Sheep suede/cabretta leather 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC/D/E 2.50/2.00/1.50
Sheep Suede/cabretta leather 6/9 0.8/1.00 mm ABC/D/E 2.75/2.25/1.75
Sheep lining leather 3/5 and 4/7 0.5/0.7 mm TR-1/2/3 combined 1.60
In all the raw hides and skins centres in the country, prices are ruling high and unchanged. Even in Erode cow hides are in good demand as many exporters need this item and operate there. But it is felt that the present situation will not continue for long.
Exporters of leather and shoes show interest for tanned and wet blue goat skins at different prices depending on the quality and selection. These items continue to be in good demand. High quality ABC suedes are sold at around Rs. 58/60, Linings at around Rs.40/- and Lots (goods consisting of different selections) at around Rs. 50/- Financial crunch seems to be everywhere in the industry. Many exporters are forced to get support from small investors in purchasing wet blue and tanned skins from the market for cash. (Indian Leather, November 2011) -------------------------------------------------
V.M. Khaleelur Rahman
There is good demand for all items of hides and skins in Chennai leather market as in all other centres in the country and even abroad. Exporters of leather and leather products such as leather shoes, garments and goods are concentrating very much in procuring raw hides and skins as their availability both at home and abroad are limited. Almost all tanneries and shoe factories in Tamil Nadu particularly in places like Chennai, Ambur, Vaniyambadi, Ranipet and Mel Visharam are functioning well as they are able to get orders from different importing countries like Italy, U.K., Germany, U.S.A. etc. But the fact remains that most of them are not getting the workable prices at the present time when prices of not only raw hides and skins but also chemicals and other items have gone up considerably and even labour charges are on the increase. Many exporters have no option except to have regular business with their customers even at unworkable levels due to the pressure of their banks for regular export documents for negotiation.
It is learnt that some exporters have sold their S/C and F/C 3/5 and 4/6 sq. ft. goat upper and lining leathers at around US $2.00 and 1.50 per sq. ft. C&F. Hong Kong and Singapore customers mostly show interest for these leathers and regular business is taking place. However there is no report of any big business. The shortage of raw hides and skins is the main cause for this. Even big exporters are not interested in selling bulk quantities as they do not know what is in store for them as far as supplies of raw hides and skins are concerned. Many small tanners and exporters have either stopped or curtailed their production due to the present difficult situation.
The offers made by some tanners recently in higher grades of upper leathers were at around US$2.50 per sq. ft. C&F. Some overseas customers buy this item regularly from some top class tanners and exporters. It is also learnt that some shoe factories offered a particular type of their shoes at around Euro 18 to 20.
Recent offers of exporters have been at around the following prices:
Material Size/sq.ft. Substance Selection Price US$ per sq. ft. C&F
Goat upper leather 3/5 0.6/0.8 mm ABC 2.50
Goat suede leather 3/5 and 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC/D/E 2.10/1.80/1.60
Goat lining leather 4/7 0.5/0.7 mm TR-1/2/3 1.60/1.50/1.40
Material Size/sq.ft. Substance Selection Price US$ per sq.ft. C&F
Sheep suede/cabretta leather 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC/D/E 2.50/2.00/1.50
Sheep Suede/cabretta leather 6/9 0.8/1.00 mm ABC/D/E 2.75/2.25/1.75
Sheep lining leather 3/5 and 4/7 0.5/0.7 mm TR-1/2/3 combined 1.60
In all the raw hides and skins centres in the country, prices are ruling high and unchanged. Even in Erode cow hides are in good demand as many exporters need this item and operate there. But it is felt that the present situation will not continue for long.
Exporters of leather and shoes show interest for tanned and wet blue goat skins at different prices depending on the quality and selection. These items continue to be in good demand. High quality ABC suedes are sold at around Rs. 58/60, Linings at around Rs.40/- and Lots (goods consisting of different selections) at around Rs. 50/- Financial crunch seems to be everywhere in the industry. Many exporters are forced to get support from small investors in purchasing wet blue and tanned skins from the market for cash. (Indian Leather, November 2011) -------------------------------------------------
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Eid-ul-Azha: A festival of selflessness and devotion
By V. M. Khaleelur Rahman
The festival Id-ul-Azha, popularly known as Bakrid, is celebrated on the tenth day of Zul Hijjah, the twelfth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, in memory of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (Alaihis salam -AS) who is said to have lived about 4500 years ago. He was an embodiment of selfless sacrifice and deep devotion to Allah. Once dreamt as if commanded by God, he was ready even to sacrifice his only son Hazrat Ismail (Ishmael) who was also all the more willing to give up his life as per Divine order. But it was stopped as it was not what God wanted but he was only tested for his faithfulness and forbearance. In this connection the holy Quran says in its inimitable expression that it is not the "flesh and blood" that reach God but the devotion one has for Him.
The most important aspect, associated with this festival, is the Haj pilgrimage to Makkah. It is one of the five "pillars" of Islam. The others being belief in God, prayer - five times a day, fasting during the month of Ramadan and compulsory payment of 2.5% called "Zakath"on one’s assets to the poor and needy. It was Prophet Ibrahim (AS) who built the "sacred refuge" of Makkah-based Kaba, "the first House of worship, full of blessings and guidance for all mankind " and "Pilgrimage thereto once in one’s life is a duty people who can afford it owe to God"– i.e. if one is physically and financially sound - according to Islamic yardsticks.
The sacred "Zamzam" water which Haj pilgrims fondly drink and bring home for distribution among relatives and friends is from the place where a divine miracle had happened. It is recorded that when Hazrat Hajira (Hagar), wife of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and her infant son Ismail were taken to a rocky and barren valley in Makkah to settle down there, her son grew very thirsty. There was no sign of water anywhere in that vast uncultivable area. She did not know what to do and ran desperately helter-skelter seven times praying to God between two hillocks, Safa and Marwah, in search of water to quench her son’s thirst. Suddenly a spring of fresh water came gushing miraculously under his feet to her utter surprise. The pilgrims perform what is called "Saee" remembering this divine mercy by walking briskly seven times between Safa and Marwah – a distance of about 500 metres,
The Islamic equality and brotherhood of mankind is manifest in the mammoth gathering of more than two million Haj pilgrims, drawn from different parts of the world, irrespective of their colour, creed or country, joining together at a place, men in a white unstitched "uniform" of two pieces of cloth called "Ihram" and women with a head-cover and usual dress, doing "tawaf" (circumambulation) and praying to Almighty God with absolute devotion and wishing for world peace and prosperity. This spectacular annual assembly of Haj pilgrims, full of piety and Divine wisdom, is of great significance.
The holy Quran says: "O People! Behold, we have created you all out of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes only for the sake of identification and knowing one another. Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is pious and God-fearing"( Al-Hujurat 49:13). It also says that "God does not love the proud ones" and Prophet Mohammed (Sal-am)’s warning is that "he who has a grain of pride in his/her heart will not enter heaven."
If the purpose of religion being love is properly understood and followed, we can get a just world order wherein one can live, develop and prosper happily in an atmosphere free from fear, oppression and exploitation and also make the other world hereafter, called "Aakhirah", a paradise. A Haji – one who returns after Haj pilgrimage – is expected to be as innocent as a child without enemies from within such as envy, greed, ill-will etc. and lead a life getting the pleasure of God.
By V. M. Khaleelur Rahman
The festival Id-ul-Azha, popularly known as Bakrid, is celebrated on the tenth day of Zul Hijjah, the twelfth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, in memory of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (Alaihis salam -AS) who is said to have lived about 4500 years ago. He was an embodiment of selfless sacrifice and deep devotion to Allah. Once dreamt as if commanded by God, he was ready even to sacrifice his only son Hazrat Ismail (Ishmael) who was also all the more willing to give up his life as per Divine order. But it was stopped as it was not what God wanted but he was only tested for his faithfulness and forbearance. In this connection the holy Quran says in its inimitable expression that it is not the "flesh and blood" that reach God but the devotion one has for Him.
The most important aspect, associated with this festival, is the Haj pilgrimage to Makkah. It is one of the five "pillars" of Islam. The others being belief in God, prayer - five times a day, fasting during the month of Ramadan and compulsory payment of 2.5% called "Zakath"on one’s assets to the poor and needy. It was Prophet Ibrahim (AS) who built the "sacred refuge" of Makkah-based Kaba, "the first House of worship, full of blessings and guidance for all mankind " and "Pilgrimage thereto once in one’s life is a duty people who can afford it owe to God"– i.e. if one is physically and financially sound - according to Islamic yardsticks.
The sacred "Zamzam" water which Haj pilgrims fondly drink and bring home for distribution among relatives and friends is from the place where a divine miracle had happened. It is recorded that when Hazrat Hajira (Hagar), wife of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and her infant son Ismail were taken to a rocky and barren valley in Makkah to settle down there, her son grew very thirsty. There was no sign of water anywhere in that vast uncultivable area. She did not know what to do and ran desperately helter-skelter seven times praying to God between two hillocks, Safa and Marwah, in search of water to quench her son’s thirst. Suddenly a spring of fresh water came gushing miraculously under his feet to her utter surprise. The pilgrims perform what is called "Saee" remembering this divine mercy by walking briskly seven times between Safa and Marwah – a distance of about 500 metres,
The Islamic equality and brotherhood of mankind is manifest in the mammoth gathering of more than two million Haj pilgrims, drawn from different parts of the world, irrespective of their colour, creed or country, joining together at a place, men in a white unstitched "uniform" of two pieces of cloth called "Ihram" and women with a head-cover and usual dress, doing "tawaf" (circumambulation) and praying to Almighty God with absolute devotion and wishing for world peace and prosperity. This spectacular annual assembly of Haj pilgrims, full of piety and Divine wisdom, is of great significance.
The holy Quran says: "O People! Behold, we have created you all out of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes only for the sake of identification and knowing one another. Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is pious and God-fearing"( Al-Hujurat 49:13). It also says that "God does not love the proud ones" and Prophet Mohammed (Sal-am)’s warning is that "he who has a grain of pride in his/her heart will not enter heaven."
If the purpose of religion being love is properly understood and followed, we can get a just world order wherein one can live, develop and prosper happily in an atmosphere free from fear, oppression and exploitation and also make the other world hereafter, called "Aakhirah", a paradise. A Haji – one who returns after Haj pilgrimage – is expected to be as innocent as a child without enemies from within such as envy, greed, ill-will etc. and lead a life getting the pleasure of God.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Justice Katju interacts with mediapersons
This is the text of the speech delivered by Hon'ble Mr. Justice M. Katju, Chairman, Press Council of India, to the mediapersons on their responsibility at a get together at his home in New Delhi on October 10, 2011.
I wish to thank you all for accepting my invitation for this get together and for coming here.
As you know, I have only recently become the Chairman of the Press Council of India. It is a new job for me as I was earlier in the legal world for 40 years, 20 years as a lawyer and 20 years as a Judge.
Now, that I have come into your world I need your guidance, advice and suggestions so that I may be able to perform my duties properly.
I have arranged this get together of media people because I think that the time has now come in this country when some introspection is required by the media. Many people, not only those in authority but even ordinary people, have started saying that the media has become irresponsible, wayward and needs to be reined in.
Only a couple of days back I read in the newspapers that the Union Government has issued some regulations regarding licences for news channels, about which there was a lot of reaction.
Under the Constitution of India freedom of the media is part of the freedom of speech guaranteed by Article 19 (1) (a) of the Constitution. However, no freedom can be absolute, and reasonable restrictions can be placed on them. One of the basic tasks of the media is to provide truthful and objective information to the people which will enable them to form rational opinions, which is a sine qua non in a democracy. But is the Indian media performing this role properly?
I may only mention certain defects in the functioning of the Indian media today:
(i)The media often twist facts. In this connection, I would like to give an example.
I sat for several months with Hon'ble Mrs. Justice Gyan Sudha Misra in a Bench of the Supreme Court. One day, a leading English newspaper of the country published on its front page a photograph of Hon'ble Justice Misra with the caption "Supreme Court Judge says that her daughters are liabilities".
This was a totally distorted and fallacious news and that too published in the front page of a leading English newspaper.
The correct facts were that Supreme Court Judges have to disclose their assets and liabilities. Against the liabilities column Justice Misra wrote 'two daughters to be married'. Strictly speaking it was not necessary to mention this because liabilities means legal liabilities e.g. housing loan, car loan, etc. However, the intention of Justice Misra was obviously to say that she had to spend a lot of money in her daughters' future marriage. She has three daughters (no son) only one of whom has been married and two are yet to be married. Justice Misra never said nor intended to say that her daughters were liabilities, and the news published was totally false and defamatory with the obvious intention of creating a sensation.
This publication was of tremendous embarrassment and grief not only to Justice Misra but also to members of her family. Did the publisher of this news items ever think how much pain and embarrassment it would cause to Justice Misra and her family? Obviously not. All that the publisher of that news sought was to create a sensation by twisting the correct facts.
Even if Justice Misra had made a mistake in writing " two daughters to be married" against the column of liabilities, should the media have cashed in on this mistake and totally distorted it without realizing how much pain it was causing to some people? I ask the media people assembled here today to themselves introspect and seek the answer.
(ii)The issue of paid news has become prominent of late. In the 2009 elections, it was a scandal. How to stop this vicious practice needs to be discussed among us. Incidentally, in compliance with the order of the Chief Information Commissioner dated 19.9.2011, we have placed the 71-page report of the Committee consisting of Shri Paranjoy Guha Thakurta and Mr. Sreenivas Reddy on our website with the disclaimer that the Press Council had rejected this report in its meeting held on 26.4.2010. .
(iii)The media often portrays non issues as real issues while the real issues are sidelined. The real issues in the country are economic, that is the terrible economic conditions in which 80% of our people are living, the poverty, unemployment, lack of housing and medical care etc. Instead of addressing these real issues, the media often tries to divert the attention of the people to non-issues, such as that the wife of a film actor has become pregnant, whether that lady will give birth to a single child or to twins etc. Are these the real issues facing the nation?
In the Lakme India Fashion Week event, there were 512 accredited journalists covering the event in which models were displaying cotton garments, while the men and women who grew that cotton were killing themselves at a distance of an hour's flight from Nagpur in the Vidharbha region. Nobody told that story except one or two journalists, locally.
Is this a responsible way for the Indian media to function? Should the media turn a Nelson's eye to the harsh economic realities facing over 75 per cent of our people, and concentrate on some 'Potemkin villages' where all is glamour and show biz? Are not the Indian media behaving much like Queen Marie Antoinette, who said that if the people had no bread, they should eat cake.
No doubt, sometimes the media mentions farmers' suicides, the rise in the price of essential commodities, and so on, but such coverage is at most 5 to 10 per cent of the total. The bulk of the coverage goes to showing the life of film stars, pop music, fashion parades, cricket and astrology.
(iv)Bomb blasts have taken place near the Delhi High Court, in Bombay, Bangalore etc. Within a few hours of such bomb blasts many T V channels started showing news item that Indian Mujahidin or Jaish-e-Mohammed or Harkatul-jihad-e-islam have sent e-mails or SMS claiming responsibility. The names of such alleged organizations will always be Muslim names. Now an e-mail can be sent by any mischievous person, but by showing this on TV channels and next day in the newspapers the tendency is to brand all Muslims in the country as terrorists and bomb throwers.
The truth is that 99% people of all communities, whether Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Sikh and of whatever caste or region are good. But the manner in which such news is shown on TV screens and published in the newspapers tend to create the impression that all Muslims are terrorists, and evil, which is totally false. The person who sends such e-mails or SMS obviously wants to create hatred between Hindu and Muslims, which is the old British divide and rule policy continuing even today. Should the media, wittingly or unwittingly, become part of this policy of divide and rule?
I have only referred to some of the defects in the Indian media. No doubt there are defects not only in the media but in other institutions also e.g. the judiciary, bureaucracy etc. but all of us must try to remove these defects.
There are two ways of removing these defects in the media. One is the democratic way, that is by discussions, consultations and persuasion, which is the method I prefer. The other way is by using harsh measures against the media e.g. by imposing heavy fines on the defaulters, stopping Government advertisements for them, suspending their licence etc.
In my opinion, in a democracy, we should first try the first method for rectifying the defects, namely the democratic method. It is for this purpose that I have decided to have regular get togethers with the media, including the electronic media, so that we can all introspect and ourselves find out ways and means of rectifying the defects in the media, rather than this being done by some government authority or external agency.
For this purpose, I propose to have such get togethers, like the one as we are having today, every two or three months, in which we will discuss issues relating to the media and try to think how we can improve the performance of the media so that it may win the respect and confidence of the people of the country.
Such meetings will not be formal meetings of the Press Council of India but only informal get togethers. No doubt, the electronic media is not under the Press Council of India Act, but surely there is nothing wrong in discussing matters relating to media with them also. After all, the ultimate purpose of the print media and the electronic media is the same, and journalistic ethics apply to both.
No doubt, if the media proves incorrigible, harsh measures may be required, but in my opinion that should be resorted to only as a last resort and in extreme situations. Ordinarily, we should first try to resolve the issues by discussion, consultation and self-regulation. That is the approach which should be ordinarily first tried in a democracy. I, therefore, respectfully request the Union Government to kindly defer implementation of its recent decision regarding the news channel license, so that we can ourselves discuss the issue thoroughly and ourselves take corrective measures in this connection.
Till now the function of the Press Council was only adjudication. I intend to make the Press Council an instrument of mediation in addition, which is in my opinion the democratic approach. For this purpose, I need the help and co-operation and advice of all of you.
Presently, India is passing through a transitional period in its history, the transition being from feudal agricultural society to modern industrial society. This is a very painful and agonizing period in history. If you have read the history of Europe from the 16{+t}{+h} to the 19{+t}{+h} Centuries, which was the transitional period there, you will find that this period was accompanied by tremendous turbulence, turmoil, wars, revolutions, social churning, chaos, intellectual ferment etc. It was only after going through this fire that modern society emerged in Europe. Presently, India is going through this fire. We are going through a very painful period in our history, which I think will last for another 20 years or so before modern industrial society emerges in India.
The media too must help society in going through this transitional period as quickly as possible, and by reducing the pain. This, it can do by attacking feudal ideas e.g. casteism and communalism and promoting modern scientific ideas.
Before I conclude, I once again repeat my appeal to the Indian Government through the Prime Minister to release Dr. Khalil Chisty who is in Ajmer Jail. He is 80 years old and has not very long to live. He was an eminent virologist in Karachi Medical College and was a Ph.D from Edinburgh University. He is a heart patient and has many other ailments also. He is unable to walk. In the name of humanity I appeal to the Indian Government to release him and allow him to get back to home in Karachi to his wife and daughter who live there. The Pakistan Government honoured my appeal and released Gopal Das from a Pakistani Jail. I am sad that the Indian Government has not yet honoured my appeal made several months ago to the Hon'ble Prime Minister, the Hon'ble Home Minister, and His Excellency the Governor of Rajasthan. In my opinion, the prestige of our country will be increased if Dr. Chisty is released, whereas if he dies in jail, we will be disgraced.
I now wish all of you to give your views.
1. The views/opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the group owners/moderators.
2. This group is for Indians and of Indians who take pride in India's secular and multi-cultural ethos. All of us are followers of Islam as preached and practised by the Last Messenger, Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him).
3. This is a family group. Comments made herein are meant exclusively for the group members. Honourable members are, therefore, requested not to forward personal comments in this group to any third party/non-member, unless you have taken permission from the member.
4. Getting out of this group is easy. Just send a blank email to
Justice Katju interacts with mediapersons
This is the text of the speech delivered by Hon'ble Mr. Justice M. Katju, Chairman, Press Council of India, to the mediapersons on their responsibility at a get together at his home in New Delhi on October 10, 2011.
I wish to thank you all for accepting my invitation for this get together and for coming here.
As you know, I have only recently become the Chairman of the Press Council of India. It is a new job for me as I was earlier in the legal world for 40 years, 20 years as a lawyer and 20 years as a Judge.
Now, that I have come into your world I need your guidance, advice and suggestions so that I may be able to perform my duties properly.
I have arranged this get together of media people because I think that the time has now come in this country when some introspection is required by the media. Many people, not only those in authority but even ordinary people, have started saying that the media has become irresponsible, wayward and needs to be reined in.
Only a couple of days back I read in the newspapers that the Union Government has issued some regulations regarding licences for news channels, about which there was a lot of reaction.
Under the Constitution of India freedom of the media is part of the freedom of speech guaranteed by Article 19 (1) (a) of the Constitution. However, no freedom can be absolute, and reasonable restrictions can be placed on them. One of the basic tasks of the media is to provide truthful and objective information to the people which will enable them to form rational opinions, which is a sine qua non in a democracy. But is the Indian media performing this role properly?
I may only mention certain defects in the functioning of the Indian media today:
(i)The media often twist facts. In this connection, I would like to give an example.
I sat for several months with Hon'ble Mrs. Justice Gyan Sudha Misra in a Bench of the Supreme Court. One day, a leading English newspaper of the country published on its front page a photograph of Hon'ble Justice Misra with the caption "Supreme Court Judge says that her daughters are liabilities".
This was a totally distorted and fallacious news and that too published in the front page of a leading English newspaper.
The correct facts were that Supreme Court Judges have to disclose their assets and liabilities. Against the liabilities column Justice Misra wrote 'two daughters to be married'. Strictly speaking it was not necessary to mention this because liabilities means legal liabilities e.g. housing loan, car loan, etc. However, the intention of Justice Misra was obviously to say that she had to spend a lot of money in her daughters' future marriage. She has three daughters (no son) only one of whom has been married and two are yet to be married. Justice Misra never said nor intended to say that her daughters were liabilities, and the news published was totally false and defamatory with the obvious intention of creating a sensation.
This publication was of tremendous embarrassment and grief not only to Justice Misra but also to members of her family. Did the publisher of this news items ever think how much pain and embarrassment it would cause to Justice Misra and her family? Obviously not. All that the publisher of that news sought was to create a sensation by twisting the correct facts.
Even if Justice Misra had made a mistake in writing " two daughters to be married" against the column of liabilities, should the media have cashed in on this mistake and totally distorted it without realizing how much pain it was causing to some people? I ask the media people assembled here today to themselves introspect and seek the answer.
(ii)The issue of paid news has become prominent of late. In the 2009 elections, it was a scandal. How to stop this vicious practice needs to be discussed among us. Incidentally, in compliance with the order of the Chief Information Commissioner dated 19.9.2011, we have placed the 71-page report of the Committee consisting of Shri Paranjoy Guha Thakurta and Mr. Sreenivas Reddy on our website with the disclaimer that the Press Council had rejected this report in its meeting held on 26.4.2010. .
(iii)The media often portrays non issues as real issues while the real issues are sidelined. The real issues in the country are economic, that is the terrible economic conditions in which 80% of our people are living, the poverty, unemployment, lack of housing and medical care etc. Instead of addressing these real issues, the media often tries to divert the attention of the people to non-issues, such as that the wife of a film actor has become pregnant, whether that lady will give birth to a single child or to twins etc. Are these the real issues facing the nation?
In the Lakme India Fashion Week event, there were 512 accredited journalists covering the event in which models were displaying cotton garments, while the men and women who grew that cotton were killing themselves at a distance of an hour's flight from Nagpur in the Vidharbha region. Nobody told that story except one or two journalists, locally.
Is this a responsible way for the Indian media to function? Should the media turn a Nelson's eye to the harsh economic realities facing over 75 per cent of our people, and concentrate on some 'Potemkin villages' where all is glamour and show biz? Are not the Indian media behaving much like Queen Marie Antoinette, who said that if the people had no bread, they should eat cake.
No doubt, sometimes the media mentions farmers' suicides, the rise in the price of essential commodities, and so on, but such coverage is at most 5 to 10 per cent of the total. The bulk of the coverage goes to showing the life of film stars, pop music, fashion parades, cricket and astrology.
(iv)Bomb blasts have taken place near the Delhi High Court, in Bombay, Bangalore etc. Within a few hours of such bomb blasts many T V channels started showing news item that Indian Mujahidin or Jaish-e-Mohammed or Harkatul-jihad-e-islam have sent e-mails or SMS claiming responsibility. The names of such alleged organizations will always be Muslim names. Now an e-mail can be sent by any mischievous person, but by showing this on TV channels and next day in the newspapers the tendency is to brand all Muslims in the country as terrorists and bomb throwers.
The truth is that 99% people of all communities, whether Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Sikh and of whatever caste or region are good. But the manner in which such news is shown on TV screens and published in the newspapers tend to create the impression that all Muslims are terrorists, and evil, which is totally false. The person who sends such e-mails or SMS obviously wants to create hatred between Hindu and Muslims, which is the old British divide and rule policy continuing even today. Should the media, wittingly or unwittingly, become part of this policy of divide and rule?
I have only referred to some of the defects in the Indian media. No doubt there are defects not only in the media but in other institutions also e.g. the judiciary, bureaucracy etc. but all of us must try to remove these defects.
There are two ways of removing these defects in the media. One is the democratic way, that is by discussions, consultations and persuasion, which is the method I prefer. The other way is by using harsh measures against the media e.g. by imposing heavy fines on the defaulters, stopping Government advertisements for them, suspending their licence etc.
In my opinion, in a democracy, we should first try the first method for rectifying the defects, namely the democratic method. It is for this purpose that I have decided to have regular get togethers with the media, including the electronic media, so that we can all introspect and ourselves find out ways and means of rectifying the defects in the media, rather than this being done by some government authority or external agency.
For this purpose, I propose to have such get togethers, like the one as we are having today, every two or three months, in which we will discuss issues relating to the media and try to think how we can improve the performance of the media so that it may win the respect and confidence of the people of the country.
Such meetings will not be formal meetings of the Press Council of India but only informal get togethers. No doubt, the electronic media is not under the Press Council of India Act, but surely there is nothing wrong in discussing matters relating to media with them also. After all, the ultimate purpose of the print media and the electronic media is the same, and journalistic ethics apply to both.
No doubt, if the media proves incorrigible, harsh measures may be required, but in my opinion that should be resorted to only as a last resort and in extreme situations. Ordinarily, we should first try to resolve the issues by discussion, consultation and self-regulation. That is the approach which should be ordinarily first tried in a democracy. I, therefore, respectfully request the Union Government to kindly defer implementation of its recent decision regarding the news channel license, so that we can ourselves discuss the issue thoroughly and ourselves take corrective measures in this connection.
Till now the function of the Press Council was only adjudication. I intend to make the Press Council an instrument of mediation in addition, which is in my opinion the democratic approach. For this purpose, I need the help and co-operation and advice of all of you.
Presently, India is passing through a transitional period in its history, the transition being from feudal agricultural society to modern industrial society. This is a very painful and agonizing period in history. If you have read the history of Europe from the 16{+t}{+h} to the 19{+t}{+h} Centuries, which was the transitional period there, you will find that this period was accompanied by tremendous turbulence, turmoil, wars, revolutions, social churning, chaos, intellectual ferment etc. It was only after going through this fire that modern society emerged in Europe. Presently, India is going through this fire. We are going through a very painful period in our history, which I think will last for another 20 years or so before modern industrial society emerges in India.
The media too must help society in going through this transitional period as quickly as possible, and by reducing the pain. This, it can do by attacking feudal ideas e.g. casteism and communalism and promoting modern scientific ideas.
Before I conclude, I once again repeat my appeal to the Indian Government through the Prime Minister to release Dr. Khalil Chisty who is in Ajmer Jail. He is 80 years old and has not very long to live. He was an eminent virologist in Karachi Medical College and was a Ph.D from Edinburgh University. He is a heart patient and has many other ailments also. He is unable to walk. In the name of humanity I appeal to the Indian Government to release him and allow him to get back to home in Karachi to his wife and daughter who live there. The Pakistan Government honoured my appeal and released Gopal Das from a Pakistani Jail. I am sad that the Indian Government has not yet honoured my appeal made several months ago to the Hon'ble Prime Minister, the Hon'ble Home Minister, and His Excellency the Governor of Rajasthan. In my opinion, the prestige of our country will be increased if Dr. Chisty is released, whereas if he dies in jail, we will be disgraced.
I now wish all of you to give your views.
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2. This group is for Indians and of Indians who take pride in India's secular and multi-cultural ethos. All of us are followers of Islam as preached and practised by the Last Messenger, Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him).
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Sunday, October 16, 2011
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (1817-1898) was a great visionary, statesman and Muslim reformer of the 19th century, the like of whom is rare. He wanted to make the community and country progressive and take them forward on modern lines. His supreme interest was intellectual development of the people through modern education. He was the first Indian Muslim to contribute to the intellectual and institutional foundation of Muslim modernization in Southern Asia. Interest of community and country was dearer to him rather than anything else. He was successful in making the Muslims understand the importance of modern education and endeavour their best to achieve it in order to stand on their own legs and live a dignified life in accordance with Islamic thoughts.
Dr. Allama Mohammed Iqbal says :
‘’Mubtalaayay dard koi azu ho roti hai aankh
Kis qadar hamdard saray jism ki hoti hai aankh’’
(The eye weeps for the suffering of any and every part of the body,
How sympathetic it is to the entire organism)
To the Muslim community Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was and is like the eye which weeps for the suffering of any and every part of the body. The sufferings of the community worried him. He took an oath to reform, educate and empower the Muslim community and was successful to a great extent in implementing it despite strong opposition from a section of the Muslim community which hated the British and their language. Today we can see the products of the Aligarh Muslim University adoring in every field of activity in India and neighbouring countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh. They have earned a name for the community and country, thanks to the Aligarh movement.
Sir Syed’s educational caravan reached everywhere including Tamil Nadu from where I hail. It inspired and encouraged people to take to modern education by establishing educational institutions.
Sir Syed was born on 17 October 1817 in Delhi. His family was highly regarded by the Mughal dynasty. His maternal grandfather Khwajah Farid was a ‘wazir’ (minister) in the court of Akbar Shah II. His paternal grandfather Syed Hadi held a ‘mansab’ of the title of Jawwad Ali Khan in the court of Alamgir II. Syed Ahmed’s father, Mir Muttaqi was also close to Akbar Shah but rejected the position and titles offered to him due to his interest in mysticism. Perhaps he abhorred the way the materialistic world functioned. He died when Syed Ahmed was about 21 years of age. Mother, Azizunnissa Begum was, however, a strong willed woman of clearly defined principles. She showed extraordinary interest in the education, character building and upbringing of her son. She was a strict and God fearing lady.
Sir Syed received his education under the old system prevailing at that time. He learnt to read the holy Quran under a female teacher at his home. After this, Maulvi Hamidud Din, became his private tutor. He completed a course in Persian and Arabic, and later took to the study of mathematics, which was a favourite subject of the maternal side of his family. He later took interest in medicine and studied some well-known books on the subject. At the age of 19 his formal education came to an end but he continued his studies privately. He started taking a keen interest in the literary gatherings and cultural activities of the city.
The passing away of his father left the family in financial difficulties, and after a limited education he had no option but to work for his livelihood. Starting as a clerk with the East India Company in 1938, he qualified three years later as a sub-judge and served in the judicial department at various places.
The supreme interest of Sir Syed’s life was education in its widest sense. He wanted to create a scientific temperament among the Muslims of India and to make the modern knowledge of Science available to them. He championed the cause of modern education at a time when all the Indians in general and Indian Muslims in particular considered it a sin to get modern education and that too through English language. He began establishing schools, at Muradabad in 1858 and Ghazipur in 1863. A more ambitious undertaking was the foundation of the Scientific Society, which published translations of many educational texts and issued a bilingual journal in Urdu and English. It was for the use of all citizens and were jointly operated by the Hindus and Muslims. In the late 1860s there occurred some developments that were challenges to his activities. In 1867 he was transferred to Benares, a city on the Ganges with great religious significance for Hindus. At about the same time a movement started at Benares to replace Urdu, the language spoken by the Muslims, with Hindi. This movement and the attempts to substitute Hindi for Urdu publications of the Scientific Society convinced Syed that he should do something. Thus during a visit to England (1869-70) he prepared plans for a great educational institution. They were "a Muslim Cambridge." On his return he set up a committee for the purpose and also started an influential journal, Tahzib al-Akhlaq "Social Reform" for the uplift and reforms of the Muslims. A Muslim school was established at Aligarh in May 1875, and after his retirement in 1876, Sir Syed dedicated himself to make it a college. In January 1877 the Viceroy laid the foundation stone of the college. In spite of opposition to Syed’s projects, the college made rapid progress. In 1886 Syed organised the All-India Mohammadan Educational Conference, which met annually at different places to promote education and to provide the Muslims with a common platform. Syed advised the Muslims against joining active politics and to concentrate instead on education. Muslims generally followed his advice and abstained from politics. This advice is applicable even today. We have to concentrate our attention more on education for the uplift of the backward Muslim community. Many reports have clearly noted that the Muslims are educationally and economically more backward.
Throughout his life Syed Ahmed Khan showed concern with how Indian Muslims could adapt to intellectual and political change accompanying Western rule. His first mission became reinterpretation of Muslim ideology so as to reconcile tradition with Western education and science. He argued in several books on Islam that the holy Quran rested on a deep appreciation of reason and natural law and therefore did not preclude Muslim involvement in scientific methodology. These themes, mixed with a call for Muslim education, regularly appeared in his journals, the Mohammedan Social Reformer and the Aligarh Institute Gazette.
Syed Ahmed's ideas became institutionalized despite criticism from theologians. In 1862 he formed a scientific society, and 13 years later he assisted in establishing the Mohammadan Anglo-Oriental College, which prospered and became the key intellectual center for Indian Muslims - The Aligarh Muslim University. The success of the college was largely due to his leadership and a curriculum embodying both Western and Oriental studies.
Sir Syed’s contributions for the betterment and empowerment of the Muslims are great. His position in the judicial department left him time to be active in many fields. His career as an author in Urdu started at the age of 23. In 1847 he brought out an important book "Monuments of the Great" on the antiquities of Delhi. Even more important was his pamphlet "The Causes of the Indian Revolt". His interest in religion was also active and lifelong. He wrote on the Life of Prophet Muhammad (Sal-am) and devoted himself to write several volumes of a modernist commentary on the holy Quran. In these works he explained how the Islamic faith could go with progressive scientific and political ideas of his time.
Sir Syed was a government civil servant and s scholar. The 1857 revolt was a turning point in his life. The following are his important works:
1) ‘’ASARUS SANADEED’’: It is an archaeological masterpiece providing a wealth of information on countless historical monuments in Delhi from the eight hundred long Muslim rule. This book was published in 1847.
2) ‘‘ASBAB-E-BAGHAWAT-E-HIND’’- (The causes of Indian Revolt) This book was published in 1859 after the 1857 revolt after witnessing the atrocities committed by the British on the inhabitants of Delhi. He saw an uncle, a cousin and an aunt dying before his eyes. He saved his mother but she died due to privations she had experienced. Muslims were the main targets of the government’s wrath.
3) THE ALIGARH INSTITUTE GAZETTE - It was an organ of the Scientific Society started in 1866. It made the people think and use their wisdom.
4) ‘’TEHZIB-UL-AKHLAQ’’ – It succeeded in making people realise the value of modern knowledge. It also gave new directions to Muslim social and political thoughts.
1) Sons (of MAO college later AMU)) shall go forth throughout the length and breath of the land to preach the message of free inquiry, of large-hearted toleration and of pure morality.
1. Acquisition of knowledge of science and technology is the only solution for the problems of Muslims.
2. Call me by whatever names you like. I will not ask you for my salvation. But please take pity of your children. Do something for them (send them to the school), lest you should have to repent (by not sending them)
3. We will remain humiliated and rejected if we do not make progress’’ (in scientific field)
4. Get rid of old and useless rituals. These rituals hinder human progress.
5. Superstition cannot be the part of Iman (faith).
6. The first requisite for the progress of a nation is the brotherhood and unity amongst sections of the society.
7. Yes the main purpose of this college (MAO) is to impart modern education to Muslims who are suffering because of lack of it but this institution is for all, Hindus and Muslims alike. Both of them need education.
8. We (Hindus and Muslims) eat the same crop, drink water from the same rivers and breathe the same air. As a matter of fact Hindus and Muslims are the two eyes of the beautiful bride that is Hindustan. Weakness of any one of them will spoil the beauty of the bride (dulhan)
9. We (Hindus and Muslim) have evolved a new language Urdu
10. I wish that youth of India should follow the example of young men and women of England who are religiously engaged in the hard work of industrial development of their country” (During the stay of Sir Syed in England).
11. Look forward, learn modern knowledge, and do not waste time in studies of old subjects of no value.
12. Ijtihad (innovation, re-interpretation with the changing times) is the need of the hour. Give up taqlid (copying and following old values).
13. Do not show the face of Islam to others; instead show your face as the follower of true Islam representing character, knowledge, tolerance and piety.
14. We should not (by remaining ignorant and illiterate) tarnish the image of our able elders.
15. All human beings are our brother and sisters. Working for their welfare is obligatory for Muslims.
16. Remember that the words Hindu and Muslim are only meant for religious distinction: otherwise all persons who reside in this country belong to one and the same nation.
Sir Syed's greatest achievement was his Aligarh Movement, which was nothing but an educational venture. He established schools at Muradabad in 1859 and Ghazipur in 1863. He also founded a scientific society in 1864. When Sir Syed was posted at Aligarh in 1867, he started the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental School in the city. During his visit to England in 1869, he studied the British educational system and appreciated it.
Sir Syed wanted MAO College to act as a bridge between the old and the new systems. His famous quote is that ‘’a true Muslims is one who must have the holy Quran in one hand and the science in the other’’. Today we can see the Aligarh Muslim University offering different courses like Medical, Engineering, Science, Arts, Management, Languages etc.
Sir Syed’s aim was not just to establish a college at Aligarh but he was interested in spreading education and empowerment among the people by establishing educational institutions in every nook and corner of the country. He, therefore, started an organisation called ‘’All India Muslim Educational Conference’’to achieve this goal. It motivated the Muslims to open a number of educational institutions in India.
Although the Indian Muslim community has made some good progress in the educational arena, still they have to go a long way to achieve the goal that Sir Syed visualised. Only the vision and enthusiasm of Sir Syed can help us - Muslims to improve our educational and economic conditions further. It is,therefore, incumbent for us to revive the Aligarh movement once again to make the people understand the value of modern education fully.
I take this opportunity to request the Vice-Chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University to start a movement and come to the rescue of the suffering Muslim community in India. There is no point in blaming others. One feels that the main cause for our backwardness is lack of education. Education alone in the present context can empower us and nothing else. We can create a modern Islamic society only by taking Muslims to modern professional education like medical, engineering, teaching, management etc. No options or short cuts at all. God has given the eyes to see and mind to analyse. We must see what is happening around us and use our intellect to arrive at a conclusion. This is what Allah wants us to do. There is no point in toeing an outdated concept and blaming fate for every misery. Dr. Allama Mohammed Iqbal’s call should be taken seriously and march forward. He has said beautifully in the couplet which we read and hear quite often sometimes it echoes even in the Parliament but we do not give serious thought to it.
Khudi ko kar buland itna ki har taqdeer say pahlay,
Khuda banday say khud poochay bata teri raza kya hai
(Raise your position so much that God himself may ask you ‘’tell me what is it that you want?’’). It echoes the holy Quranic strong dictate that we should endeavour to achieve his rewards. In short we must develop a scientific temper among the people as the holy Quran says in different verses. We are mainly responsible for backwardness.
Sir Syed also brought out a journal ‘Tehzibul Akhlaq’ and succeeded in infusing a new desire amongst Muslims for acquiring modern knowledge.
Sir Syed finally reached to the conclusion that lack of education was the main cause of the backwardness of the community.
Sir Syed became successful in his mission and gave a firm foundation of Aligarh College (Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College) which afterwards became Aligarh Muslim University by an act of the government. It is meant for all- Muslims as well as non-Muslim students. All live and study here in a friendly and peaceful atmosphere. It has got a rich cultural heritage, which is its special and inimitable one.
The intellectuals produced in large numbers by Aligarh Muslim University served and continue to serve the country in various capacities. The first graduate of this University was the great revolutionary Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh. The late Dr. Zakir Hussain, former President of India and Dr. Syed Mahmood were also Aligarh educated dignitaries. The university has produced innumerable doctors, engineers, teachers, scientists, poets, writers, journalists, etc.
The Aligarh movement launched by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan influenced the Muslims in the country, particularly in South India. The Souvenir brought out on the occasion of the Centenary Celebration of Ambur Muslim Educational Society on 4th September 2006 mentions as follows inter-alia:
Sir Syed organised the Mohammedan (later Muslim) Educational Conference. Its branches were established in cities and towns to report on the educational needs of the community. This conference used to meet annually at several important cities in the country and carried the message of modern education far and wide.
The 5th session of the Conference was held at Madras in 1901 and set in a brainwave all over the South. Like their brethren in other parts of the country the Muslims of the Madras presidency were also antagonistic towards the English education and therefore they were far behind their other fellow countrymen in public service. Nawab Mohsinul Mulk Mohsinud Dowla from Aligarh inspired the Conference with the saga of adventure which Sir Syed has brought into being in the North.
On 16th December 1905 the Management of the Chowk Masjid madrasa which was in existence then was taken over and later re-named as Madrasa-e-Mazharul Uloom. Janab T.Abdullah sahib visited Aligarh, observed the educational developments there and inspired by it prepared a plan for a Muslim school in Ambur meant for all religions and communities without any discrimination whatsoever. It was primarily his aim to create for young Muslims a good institution for their educational, cultural and social developments.
Many educational institutions came up in Tamil Nadu as a result of the Aligarh movement. Today by the grace of Allah there are 11 (eleven) full fledged engineering colleges and hundreds of Science and Arts Colleges, Higher Secondary and Elementary Schools in difference parts of Tamil Nadu. Many Muslim organisations like All India Islamic Foundation, Sadaq Trust, The South India Education Trust, The Muslim Educational Association of Southern India, Ambur Muslim Educational Society, Vaniyambadi Muslim Educational Society etc. have been playing a very important role in establishing institutions and imparting modern education to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
Muslims were in the forefront in the struggle for freedom. They suffered a lot. Many Ulema (religious scholars) were hanged in Delhi and other places. Sir Syed was worried. He was of the view that Muslims should not be so vigorous in opposing the British at their own cost and ignore everything including education and government placements.
Sir Syed wanted Muslims to have friendship with the British if they want to take their due rights. He quoted the examples of other religious communities benefiting from the government. While he tried his best to convince the British that Muslims were not against them, he persuaded the Muslims repeatedly to befriend the British to achieve their goals. He also wrote many books and published journals to remove the misunderstanding between Muslims and the British by writing booklets like "Loyal Muhammadans of India" and "Cause of Indian Revolt". Sir Syed asked the Muslims of his time not to participate in politics unless and until they got modern education. He was of the view that Muslims could not succeed in the field of Western politics without knowing the system. He was invited to attend the first session of the Indian National Congress and to join the organization but he refused to accept the offer. He gave importance to the education of the Muslim community and succeeded in it. His institutions such as the College and the Muslim Educational Conference continued to influence intellectuals till this day and will continue to do so in the years to come unhindered.
1) Dr. Allama Iqbal:
‘’The real greatness of the man (Sir Syed) consists in the fact that he was the first Indian Muslim who felt the need of a fresh orientation of Islam and worked for it’’
2) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehruji:
‘’Sir Syed was an ardent reformer and he wanted to reconcile modern scientific thought with religion by rationalistic interpretations and not by attacking basic belief. He was anxious to push new education. He was in no way communally separatist. Repeatedly he emphasized that religious differences should have no political and national significance.’’
3) Mr. Inder Kumar Gujralji
‘’Sir Syed’s vision and his laborious efforts to meet the demands of challenging times are highly commendable. The dark post 1857 era was indeed hopeless and only men like Raja Mohan Roy and Sir Syed could penetrate through its thick veil to visualize the Nation’s destinies. They rightly believed that the past had its merits and its legacies were valuable but it was the future that a society was called upon to cope with.
I offer my homage to Sir Syed for his vision and courage that withstood all obstructions both from the friends and the foes.’’
This great visionary and reformer, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, whose relevance is felt even today and who will always remain green in our memory inspiring wise thoughts and absolute principles in the right Islamic thinking passed away after a brief illness on 27th March 1898 and was buried the next day in the compound of the mosque in the College. May his soul continue to live in peace.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Tiger Pataudi: First Among India's Great Captains
Tiger Pataudi: First Among India's Great Captains - By AR Hemant
‘Tiger’, as Mansur Ali Khan Patuadi was often called, was the son of Iftikhar Ali Khan Pataudi, who had the distinction of playing Test cricket for England and India.
Born into royalty, Mansur Ali Khan was the ninth and final Nawab of Pataudi, a princely state which merged into India in 1947.
Cricket was in the family. Pataudi Senior made a hundred on Test debut for England before his playing days prematurely ended when he opposed his captain Douglas Jardine’s tactics in the 1932 Bodyline series. He later captained India before he passed away on his son’s 11th birthday in 1952.
It is said Pataudi Senior had asked bat-makers Gunn and Moore to manufacture a small-sized bat for his son, who was five at the time. Gunn and Moore didn't make bats for kids, but they agreed to make a special one for the boy who would be India's youngest Test captain at the age of 21.
India’s Finest Captain
Pataudi, an Oxford alumnus, went on to play 46 Tests for India, and was captain in 40. This makes him and Iftikhar the only father-and-son duo to captain India.
Pataudi in action for Oxford against Surrey, June 1961.
He is widely recognised as one of the finest tacticians of his time, a trait which helped bring spin bowling to the forefront of India’s gradual rise to the top. It was under him that India registered their first Test series win abroad, in New Zealand in 1968, by a 3-1 margin. India have never won three Tests in an away series since.
Pataudi realised spin was India’s strength and he built upon it. He’d often play three spinners in the side. This is best reflected in the fact that Bishan Singh Bedi, Erapalli Prasanna and S Venkataraghavan all had better averages and strike-rates under Pataudi.
Attacking Style
Pataudi was an attacking batsman. After his schooling in Dehradun, he went to Winchester College, where he made over 2,000 runs in a season. It helped him that his coach George Cox was also an aggressive stroke-maker and encouraged Pataudi’s style of play.
At a time when keeping the ball along the ground was batsmen's mantra, Pataudi loved his lofted drives. His reflexes were sharp and his fielding quick-silver.
In 1960, he made 131 for Sussex against Cambridge at Lord’s. He was Oxford’s captain the next year, becoming the first Indian to receive the honour. This is the time he was involved in a car accident near Brighton beach and lost vision in his right eye.
Describing his post-accident style of play, Author Dean P. Hayes wrote: “As a result of the injury, he preferred a two-eyed stance. His backlift was therefore from the direction of third man, but the bat in the downward swing passed close to the right leg with elbows tucked in, thereby eliminating any chance of gap between bat and pad. In spite of two eyed stance, his off-side play remained a delight, because he quickly positioned himself for the strokes.”
Once asked by a journalist about how he played with one eye, Pataudi said, "I see two balls. I hit the one on the inside." Experts often wonder what he could have achieved as a batsman had he not been impaired.
Successful Debut & Captaincy
He later made his Test debut against England in the Delhi Test of December 1961. In his third Test of the same series, he made an attacking 103 to round off a series win.
Pataudi in 1961.
In 1962, midway through the West Indies tour, captain Nari Contractor was famously felled by a bouncer and never played Tests again. Pataudi, in just his fourth Test, became captain. It was a tough tour for him, and he failed to cross 50 in six innings, and India lost all five Tests.
After a brief slump in form, he hit the high notes again by making his highest Test score — 203 not out in Delhi — when England visited in 1964.
His finest innings is said to be the 75 he made in Brisbane in 1968, coming out to bat on a green-top with India 25-5. He had a hamstring injury which impeded his front-foot play and this innings is thus recalled as the one played with one eye and one leg.
Differences with the then chairman of selectors, Vijay Merchant, and India’s historic wins in the West Indies and England in 1971, brought Ajit Wadekar’s captaincy to the forefront. But following the ‘Summer of 42’ disaster in England in 1974, Wadekar was forced out, and Pataudi returned to lead the team again.
Pataudi played his last Test in 1975 — as captain — and made 9 and 9 against the West Indies at the Wankhede Stadium, a game India lost and surrendered a tightly-fought series 2-3.
He also won the Arjuna Award on 1964 and Padma Shri in 1967.
After Cricket
Pataudi worked as an ICC match referee and sports columnist. In 1974-75 he was India's manager. He also dabbled in politics. Earlier this year, he parted ways with the Indian Premier League and sued the BCCI over non-payment of dues.
The only major controversy he courted was in 2005 when he was arrested for killing an endangered animal.
Pataudi, 70, breathed his last today at a New Delhi hospital after a prolonged infection of his lungs. He is survived by wife, former actress Sharmila Tagore, son Saif Ali Khan, and daughters Soha and Saba
Tiger Pataudi: First Among India's Great Captains - By AR Hemant
‘Tiger’, as Mansur Ali Khan Patuadi was often called, was the son of Iftikhar Ali Khan Pataudi, who had the distinction of playing Test cricket for England and India.
Born into royalty, Mansur Ali Khan was the ninth and final Nawab of Pataudi, a princely state which merged into India in 1947.
Cricket was in the family. Pataudi Senior made a hundred on Test debut for England before his playing days prematurely ended when he opposed his captain Douglas Jardine’s tactics in the 1932 Bodyline series. He later captained India before he passed away on his son’s 11th birthday in 1952.
It is said Pataudi Senior had asked bat-makers Gunn and Moore to manufacture a small-sized bat for his son, who was five at the time. Gunn and Moore didn't make bats for kids, but they agreed to make a special one for the boy who would be India's youngest Test captain at the age of 21.
India’s Finest Captain
Pataudi, an Oxford alumnus, went on to play 46 Tests for India, and was captain in 40. This makes him and Iftikhar the only father-and-son duo to captain India.
Pataudi in action for Oxford against Surrey, June 1961.
He is widely recognised as one of the finest tacticians of his time, a trait which helped bring spin bowling to the forefront of India’s gradual rise to the top. It was under him that India registered their first Test series win abroad, in New Zealand in 1968, by a 3-1 margin. India have never won three Tests in an away series since.
Pataudi realised spin was India’s strength and he built upon it. He’d often play three spinners in the side. This is best reflected in the fact that Bishan Singh Bedi, Erapalli Prasanna and S Venkataraghavan all had better averages and strike-rates under Pataudi.
Attacking Style
Pataudi was an attacking batsman. After his schooling in Dehradun, he went to Winchester College, where he made over 2,000 runs in a season. It helped him that his coach George Cox was also an aggressive stroke-maker and encouraged Pataudi’s style of play.
At a time when keeping the ball along the ground was batsmen's mantra, Pataudi loved his lofted drives. His reflexes were sharp and his fielding quick-silver.
In 1960, he made 131 for Sussex against Cambridge at Lord’s. He was Oxford’s captain the next year, becoming the first Indian to receive the honour. This is the time he was involved in a car accident near Brighton beach and lost vision in his right eye.
Describing his post-accident style of play, Author Dean P. Hayes wrote: “As a result of the injury, he preferred a two-eyed stance. His backlift was therefore from the direction of third man, but the bat in the downward swing passed close to the right leg with elbows tucked in, thereby eliminating any chance of gap between bat and pad. In spite of two eyed stance, his off-side play remained a delight, because he quickly positioned himself for the strokes.”
Once asked by a journalist about how he played with one eye, Pataudi said, "I see two balls. I hit the one on the inside." Experts often wonder what he could have achieved as a batsman had he not been impaired.
Successful Debut & Captaincy
He later made his Test debut against England in the Delhi Test of December 1961. In his third Test of the same series, he made an attacking 103 to round off a series win.
Pataudi in 1961.
In 1962, midway through the West Indies tour, captain Nari Contractor was famously felled by a bouncer and never played Tests again. Pataudi, in just his fourth Test, became captain. It was a tough tour for him, and he failed to cross 50 in six innings, and India lost all five Tests.
After a brief slump in form, he hit the high notes again by making his highest Test score — 203 not out in Delhi — when England visited in 1964.
His finest innings is said to be the 75 he made in Brisbane in 1968, coming out to bat on a green-top with India 25-5. He had a hamstring injury which impeded his front-foot play and this innings is thus recalled as the one played with one eye and one leg.
Differences with the then chairman of selectors, Vijay Merchant, and India’s historic wins in the West Indies and England in 1971, brought Ajit Wadekar’s captaincy to the forefront. But following the ‘Summer of 42’ disaster in England in 1974, Wadekar was forced out, and Pataudi returned to lead the team again.
Pataudi played his last Test in 1975 — as captain — and made 9 and 9 against the West Indies at the Wankhede Stadium, a game India lost and surrendered a tightly-fought series 2-3.
He also won the Arjuna Award on 1964 and Padma Shri in 1967.
After Cricket
Pataudi worked as an ICC match referee and sports columnist. In 1974-75 he was India's manager. He also dabbled in politics. Earlier this year, he parted ways with the Indian Premier League and sued the BCCI over non-payment of dues.
The only major controversy he courted was in 2005 when he was arrested for killing an endangered animal.
Pataudi, 70, breathed his last today at a New Delhi hospital after a prolonged infection of his lungs. He is survived by wife, former actress Sharmila Tagore, son Saif Ali Khan, and daughters Soha and Saba
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Fw: [The Quran Foundation] Advice to Husbands
Subject: Advice to Husbands
By getting married you are not just getting a wife, you are getting your whole world. From now until the rest of your days your wife will be your partner, your companion, and your best friend. She will share your moments, your days, and your years. She will share your joys and sorrows, your successes and failures, your dreams and your fears. When you are ill, she will take the best care of you; when you need help, she will do all she can for you; when you have a secret, she will keep it; when you need advice, she will give you the best advice. She will always be with you: when you wake up in the morning the first thing your eyes will see will be her; during the day, she will be with you, if for a moment she is not with you by her physical body, she will be thinking of you, praying for you with all her heart, mind, and soul; when you go to sleep at night, the last thing your eyes will see will be her; and when you are asleep you will still see her in your dreams. In short, she will be your whole world and you will be her whole world.
The best description that I personally have ever read describing the closeness of the spouses to each other is the Quranic verse which says: "they are your garments and you are their garments" Indeed, spouses are like garments to each other because they provide one another with the protection, the comfort, the cover, the support, and the adornment that garments provide to humans. Just imagine a journey in the winter of Alaska without garments! Our spouses provide us with the same level of comfort, protection, cover, and support in the journey of our lives on this earth as garments would do in the Alaska journey.
The relationship between the spouses is the most amazing of all human relations: the amount of love and affection, intimacy and closeness, mercy and compassion, peace and tranquility that fills the hearts of the spouses is simply inexplicable. The only rational explanation for these most amazing of all human feelings is that: it is an act of Allah Al Mighty. Only Allah Al Mighty in His infinite power, boundless mercy, and great wisdom can create and ingrain these amazing feelings in the hearts of the spouses. In fact Allah Al Mighty is reminding those who search for His signs in the universe that these feelings in the hearts of the spouses are among the signs that should guide humans to His existence as He says in the Quran," And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you may dwell in tranquility with them and He has put love and mercy between your hearts: verily in that are signs for those who reflect"
But the human heart is not a static entity, it is very dynamic. Feelings can and do change with time. Love may wither and fade away. The marital bond might weaken if not properly cared for. Happiness in marriage cannot be taken for granted; continuous happiness requires constant giving from both sides. For the tree of marital love to remain alive and keep growing, the soil has to be sustained, maintained, and nurtured. Remember that our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had found the time to go out to the desert and race with his wife Aisha. She outstripped him but later after she had gained some weight, he outstripped her.
The show of emotions is necessary to keep the marital bond away from rusting and disintegrating. Remember that you will be rewarded by Allah Al Mighty for any emotions you show to your wife as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said "one would be rewarded for anything that he does seeking the pleasure of Allah Al Mighty even the food that he puts in the mouth of his wife" Never underestimate the importance of seemingly little things as putting food in your wife's mouth, opening the car's door for her, etc.
Remember that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to extend his knee to his wife to help her ride her camel...Try to always find some time for both of you to pray together. Strengthening the bond between you and Allah Al Mighty is the best guarantee that your own marital bond would always remain strong. Having peace with Allah Al Mighty will always result in having more peace at home. Remember that the Prophet (peace be upon him) gave glad tidings for those couples who wake up at night to pray together. The Prophet (peace be upon him)even urged the spouse who rises up first to wake the other spouse up even by throwing cold water on his/her face.
Always try your best to be be good to your wife by words and by deeds. Talk to her, smile to her, seek her advice, ask for her opinion, spend quality time with her and always remember that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said "the best of you are those who are best to their wives" Finally, it is common that spouses vow to love and honor their spouses until death do them part. I do believe that this vow is good or even great, but not enough! It is not enough that you love your wife. You have to love what she loves as well. Her family, her loved ones must also become your loved ones. Don't be like my colleague who was unhappy about his wife's parents coming to visit for a few weeks. He candidly said to her "I don't like your parents" Naturally she angrily looked at him straight in the eye and said "I don't like yours either"... Also, it is not enough that you love her until death do you part. Love should never end and we do believe there is life after death where those who did righteousness in this world will be joined by their spouses and offspring. The best example in this regard is the Prophet (peace be upon him) whose love to Khadija his wife of 25 years extended to include all those she loved and continued even after her death. It was many years after her death and he never forgot her and whenever a goat was slaughtered in his house he would send parts of it to Khadija's friends and whenever he felt that the visitor on the door might be Khadija's sister Hala, he would pray saying "O Allah let it be Hala"
*Jazakum Allah Khair*
*The Qur'an Foundation.*
The best description that I personally have ever read describing the closeness of the spouses to each other is the Quranic verse which says: "they are your garments and you are their garments" Indeed, spouses are like garments to each other because they provide one another with the protection, the comfort, the cover, the support, and the adornment that garments provide to humans. Just imagine a journey in the winter of Alaska without garments! Our spouses provide us with the same level of comfort, protection, cover, and support in the journey of our lives on this earth as garments would do in the Alaska journey.
The relationship between the spouses is the most amazing of all human relations: the amount of love and affection, intimacy and closeness, mercy and compassion, peace and tranquility that fills the hearts of the spouses is simply inexplicable. The only rational explanation for these most amazing of all human feelings is that: it is an act of Allah Al Mighty. Only Allah Al Mighty in His infinite power, boundless mercy, and great wisdom can create and ingrain these amazing feelings in the hearts of the spouses. In fact Allah Al Mighty is reminding those who search for His signs in the universe that these feelings in the hearts of the spouses are among the signs that should guide humans to His existence as He says in the Quran," And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you may dwell in tranquility with them and He has put love and mercy between your hearts: verily in that are signs for those who reflect"
But the human heart is not a static entity, it is very dynamic. Feelings can and do change with time. Love may wither and fade away. The marital bond might weaken if not properly cared for. Happiness in marriage cannot be taken for granted; continuous happiness requires constant giving from both sides. For the tree of marital love to remain alive and keep growing, the soil has to be sustained, maintained, and nurtured. Remember that our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had found the time to go out to the desert and race with his wife Aisha. She outstripped him but later after she had gained some weight, he outstripped her.
The show of emotions is necessary to keep the marital bond away from rusting and disintegrating. Remember that you will be rewarded by Allah Al Mighty for any emotions you show to your wife as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said "one would be rewarded for anything that he does seeking the pleasure of Allah Al Mighty even the food that he puts in the mouth of his wife" Never underestimate the importance of seemingly little things as putting food in your wife's mouth, opening the car's door for her, etc.
Remember that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to extend his knee to his wife to help her ride her camel...Try to always find some time for both of you to pray together. Strengthening the bond between you and Allah Al Mighty is the best guarantee that your own marital bond would always remain strong. Having peace with Allah Al Mighty will always result in having more peace at home. Remember that the Prophet (peace be upon him) gave glad tidings for those couples who wake up at night to pray together. The Prophet (peace be upon him)even urged the spouse who rises up first to wake the other spouse up even by throwing cold water on his/her face.
Always try your best to be be good to your wife by words and by deeds. Talk to her, smile to her, seek her advice, ask for her opinion, spend quality time with her and always remember that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said "the best of you are those who are best to their wives" Finally, it is common that spouses vow to love and honor their spouses until death do them part. I do believe that this vow is good or even great, but not enough! It is not enough that you love your wife. You have to love what she loves as well. Her family, her loved ones must also become your loved ones. Don't be like my colleague who was unhappy about his wife's parents coming to visit for a few weeks. He candidly said to her "I don't like your parents" Naturally she angrily looked at him straight in the eye and said "I don't like yours either"... Also, it is not enough that you love her until death do you part. Love should never end and we do believe there is life after death where those who did righteousness in this world will be joined by their spouses and offspring. The best example in this regard is the Prophet (peace be upon him) whose love to Khadija his wife of 25 years extended to include all those she loved and continued even after her death. It was many years after her death and he never forgot her and whenever a goat was slaughtered in his house he would send parts of it to Khadija's friends and whenever he felt that the visitor on the door might be Khadija's sister Hala, he would pray saying "O Allah let it be Hala"
*Jazakum Allah Khair*
*The Qur'an Foundation.*
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
V.M. Khaleelur Rahman
Chennai leather market was somewhat slow in operations during the month of August 2011 due to seasonal holidays at home and annual holidays abroad but prices continue to be unchanged.
Almost all exporters of leather and shoes are interested in tanned as well as wet blue goat skins at unchanged prices. In fact there is demand for all varieties of leather – goat, sheep, cow hides, buffalo hides, etc. Their prices are also ruling high in all leather centres like Ambur, Vaniyambadi, Dindigul and Trichy as demand continues for leathers from all quarters.
There are reports of tanners selling their good quality tanned goat skins 3/5 and 4/7 sq.ft. Run, Suede and A Lining grades at around Rs.65, 55 and 35 per sq.ft. respectively and 4/7 All Suede at around Rs.50/- per sq.ft. There is also demand for lower grades like Rejection which is sold at around Rs.25/- per sq.ft.
Generally speaking raw goat skins are sold at more than Rs.150/- per piece in different centres in the country and for some better quality and selection raw skins prices are much higher.
Overseas customers have requirements for goat upper and lining leathers, sheep suede and cabretta leathers, cow upper and lining leathers etc. at the prevailing prices. However due to annual holidays export business was “patchy” during the last month but exporters offered at unchanged or slightly increased prices as indications given below:
1. Quotations of goat upper, suede and lining leathers
Material Size/sq.ft. Substance Selection Price US$ per sq. ft. C&F
Goat upper leather 3/5 and 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC/D/E 2.50/1.75/1.55
Goat suede leather 3/5 and 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC/D/E 2.00/1.60/1.50
Goat lining leather 4/7 0.5/0.7 mm TR-1/2/3 combined 1.30
2. Quotations of sheep leathers
Material Size/sq.ft. Substance Selection Price US$ per sq.ft. C&F
Sheep suede/cabretta leather 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC/D/E 2.50/2.00/1.50
Sheep Suede/cabretta leather 6/9 0.8/1.00 mm ABC/D/E 2.75/2.25/1.75
Sheep lining leather 3/5 and 4/7 0.5/0.7 mm TR-1/2/3 1.50
Almost all shoe manufacturers are doing well having orders from different sources but they are finding it difficult to cover their raw skins requirements as their availability is limited and demand is more in the raw centres throughout the country. Even imports of raw hides and skins are costly and unworkable to exporters here. The present situation is something unseen before in the leather market. There are also reports of delay in shipment by some exporters due to difficulties in procuring raw materials.
(Indian Leather, September 2011)
V.M. Khaleelur Rahman
Chennai leather market was somewhat slow in operations during the month of August 2011 due to seasonal holidays at home and annual holidays abroad but prices continue to be unchanged.
Almost all exporters of leather and shoes are interested in tanned as well as wet blue goat skins at unchanged prices. In fact there is demand for all varieties of leather – goat, sheep, cow hides, buffalo hides, etc. Their prices are also ruling high in all leather centres like Ambur, Vaniyambadi, Dindigul and Trichy as demand continues for leathers from all quarters.
There are reports of tanners selling their good quality tanned goat skins 3/5 and 4/7 sq.ft. Run, Suede and A Lining grades at around Rs.65, 55 and 35 per sq.ft. respectively and 4/7 All Suede at around Rs.50/- per sq.ft. There is also demand for lower grades like Rejection which is sold at around Rs.25/- per sq.ft.
Generally speaking raw goat skins are sold at more than Rs.150/- per piece in different centres in the country and for some better quality and selection raw skins prices are much higher.
Overseas customers have requirements for goat upper and lining leathers, sheep suede and cabretta leathers, cow upper and lining leathers etc. at the prevailing prices. However due to annual holidays export business was “patchy” during the last month but exporters offered at unchanged or slightly increased prices as indications given below:
1. Quotations of goat upper, suede and lining leathers
Material Size/sq.ft. Substance Selection Price US$ per sq. ft. C&F
Goat upper leather 3/5 and 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC/D/E 2.50/1.75/1.55
Goat suede leather 3/5 and 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC/D/E 2.00/1.60/1.50
Goat lining leather 4/7 0.5/0.7 mm TR-1/2/3 combined 1.30
2. Quotations of sheep leathers
Material Size/sq.ft. Substance Selection Price US$ per sq.ft. C&F
Sheep suede/cabretta leather 4/7 0.6/0.8 mm ABC/D/E 2.50/2.00/1.50
Sheep Suede/cabretta leather 6/9 0.8/1.00 mm ABC/D/E 2.75/2.25/1.75
Sheep lining leather 3/5 and 4/7 0.5/0.7 mm TR-1/2/3 1.50
Almost all shoe manufacturers are doing well having orders from different sources but they are finding it difficult to cover their raw skins requirements as their availability is limited and demand is more in the raw centres throughout the country. Even imports of raw hides and skins are costly and unworkable to exporters here. The present situation is something unseen before in the leather market. There are also reports of delay in shipment by some exporters due to difficulties in procuring raw materials.
(Indian Leather, September 2011)
Monday, August 29, 2011
By V.M. Khaleelur Rahman
Eid-ul-Fitr or Ramadan Eid is celebrated as a day of thanksgiving to God after successful completion of the month-long fasting from dawn to dusk during Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and on sighting the crescent moon of the 10th month called Shawwal. Ramadan is meant for fasting, worship and charity, and also for self-introspection for the purpose of purification of one's soul and body by giving up bad and attaining good things. The Holy Quran says, "Fasting is prescribed to you as it was to those before you so that you may learn self-restraint." Fasting brings people together and creates a sense of camaraderie among them. It inculcates in them righteous conduct, to be good people and brotherhood of man by eradicating evils such as anger, greed and malice.
Prophet Mohammed (Sal-am) has said, "Do not belittle even the smallest act of kindness even if it is no more than meeting your neighbour with a smiling and cheerful face. We should not consider any charity small or not worth doing. Charity, big or small, should be given in a pleasant manner without hurting the feeling of its receivers and with the thought that we are only discharging a religious duty from the wealth God has given us." According to Islam even our day-to-day acts, like being kind to others at home and outside, are charity and it makes a big difference in our relations with them.
Once when Prophet Mohammed (Sal-am) was on his way to Idgah for Id prayers, he saw a poor boy about five-years-old sitting on the pavement sadly. He went near him and asked, "Why are you alone here, my dear boy?" The boy started weeping and said, "I am an orphan with nobody to care for me." The Prophet could not bear the pathetic words of the poor boy and consoled him saying, "From now on you can look to me as your father and Ayesha as your mother," and returned home with him. When his wife Ayesha fed him and dressed him well for Id prayers the Prophet lifted him on his shoulders and said, "Ayesha, this is the happiest Id for me. I experience true happiness at the happiness of this little orphan boy." He was a great benefactor of humanity and his mission right from the beginning to end was to see that every individual maintained his self-respect free from any sort of slavery.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Grab opportunities on merit - DIG Mr. Sanjay Kumar
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